Home > Rain Yay

Rain Yay

April 21st, 2005 at 03:41 am

We're getting a lovely soaking right now (with a little thunder/lightning and everything -- ooh!), which we needed in these parts. The kids and I planted the rest of our cool weather veggies out at the garden this afternoon, so the timing is right on. In fact, we were just putting the rest of the turnip seed in when the rain drops starting splashing. Then a mad dash home to get my clothes in off the line - oy! Well, we made it in time, sort of -- they weren't too terribly dripping!

We put in radish, carrots, beets, turnips, and peas. Some of the seed we planted today was rather on the old side, so who knows if it will all germinate properly. Anyway, we started with excruciating care, planting individual seeds just so -- but then the black clouds starting rolling in, followed by the lightning, and then the rush to hurry up already. Kinda sloppy there at the end. Perhaps it will be better if they *don't* all sprout -- less thinning to do, which I'm not very good at anyway. Because these are bound to be mighty crowded otherwise, heh. One thing's for sure -- our gardening style so far is pretty 'right-brained'. DS and I are planting things in there hither and yon, according to our whims, and without any real strict plan. Because I never liked strict plans. Alternating white and red onions in a circle? Sure. Making a 'rainbow' with the spinach and lettuce seeds? Why not? Lining a bed's perimeter with leftover turnips? No, make that HALF turnips. And the rest chioggia beets...!

This entire week I've been hoping to get to the dandelion and violet jelllies as is our custom to make every spring. It's not as though we don't have a fine crop, ahem. It's just been so, so busy around here that I haven't found that chunk of time we need to do it in. Maybe tomorrow. We ought to get to it here soon, because our lawn is starting to look shaggy -- and I don't want it cut before we harvest our flowers (because their 'heads' will be chopped off)! Thing is, with our non-powered (other than human effort) push mower? Cutting the grass is considerably more of a chore when it's long....

2 Responses to “Rain Yay”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Dont give up on your "old seed". I almost hoed mine under-then saw them-very tiny, just coming on. Instead of taking the usual 8-10 days to germinate, mine took about 3 weeks-even with watering and miracle grow.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Aw, good for you! Heck, haven't they even found ancient grains discovered in egyptian tombs that still managed to sprout? Perhaps there's still hope for mine....

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