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Archive for June, 2005

Hot Spot

June 25th, 2005 at 03:30 am

Wooh, is it ever steamy tonight. Hot, and muggy as all get out -- gotta love Midwestern summers. Actually, I've rather been enjoying it -- despite the sweat dripping off my temples and down my neck as I leisurely sit here doing nothing more strenuous than typing tonight. Summer. I prefer to experience *IT*, in all it's sticky, stinky, sweaty splender. My husband, on the other hand, has been dropping broad hints about turning on the central A.C., as he has precious little heat tolerance, mostly likely having to do with the air-conditioned office he works in all day. Perhaps it is hard transitioning back into a stuffy hot house. Sigh, it really is an oven in here tonight, with little relief in sight (the forecast is for continued drought -- but that's a whole 'nother story). There isn't any breeze stirring whatsoever. Still, I despise air conditioning (makes me feel claustrophobic and disconnected to the world), and hate paying for it even more. So far, it remains off. But, if he is truly suffering perhaps we can compromise in some way. We'll see. In the meantime, I'm trying to concentrate on all the $$ we are saving by not running it....


June 22nd, 2005 at 01:58 pm

What a looooong time since my last update. It's a solid indication that I haven't been spending quite so much time online lately -- and that's not such a bad thing (because I really am more productive when I limit my computer hours, y'know?). Our family had a long-running, frenzied spat of eternal busy-ness and running around that ate up much of my free time there for awhile -- stuff like my son's performance, recitals, appointments, commitments, lessons, classes, games, etc, etc., etc. Even a terribly pleasant and enjoyable vacation away. Finally though, our schedules have wound down a bit around here, and we're comfortably settling into a somewhat more quiet summer routine. Ahh. It's nice.

I'm jumping back on the frugality bandwagon feet-first after a few notable lapses -- my son's soccer camp registration for instance ($$! -- to occur next week), among other things (including a number of not particularly frugal food choices when things were at their busiest a number of weeks ago, etc). Remarkably however, for our vacation the week before last, we spent an astonishingly small amount of money, aside from gas and a few fees and tolls here and there, etc, when we visited friends in western New York state. Our friends generously hosted our family for the entire week in their home on five wooded acres in a lovely hilly and scenic country setting. They enthusiastically cooked for us, and cheerfully shuttled us around for sightseeing and visiting (although we did also get out and about on our own as a family on several occasions as well). Avid healthfood advocates, all meals were outrageously wholesome and deliciously prepared, and eating out wasn't even an option -- so we spent hardly any money at all on food for the entire week (nor lodging either, obviously). We did make it over to Niagara Falls, the Canadian side (paying the toll for the bridge over. And back). Viewing the falls (very awesome!), is free of course --we even lucked out with free parking. But we couldn't resist getting all touristy and taking the boat ride, 'Maid of the Mist', that chugs into the 'horseshoe' for a closer look. Weeee, what an experience! -- totally worth the money (which really wasn't so terribly expensive anyway), I'd have to say. We also stopped by a gorgeous state park in our friends' area, for which we had to pay as out-of-state residents. Overall however? We spent an astonishingly small amount of $$ on our super fun, week-long vacation away.....

Since we returned last week, we've been hanging out at home and taking it easy. I've been hanging tons of laundry, and making a point of cooking out of my pantry these last number of days -- holding out as I am for the garden produce that should kick in in a big way very soon, and can hardly wait for. In the meantime, I've been busily spiking everything I serve with green onion -- lots of which I've been harvesting out of our little garden. I've also been able to season our meals with lots of fresh herbs -- sage, chives, dill, parsley, and basil from my wee herb garden here at home. Mmmmmm, summer....