Home > 'No Boil' Lasagne....

'No Boil' Lasagne....

January 30th, 2005 at 10:35 pm

.....posting method as requested. Leaving out that boiling-the-noodle step makes this easy enough for everyday....

"No-Boil' Method for Lasagne:

Liberal layer of tomato pasta sauce on the bottom of a deep baking pan.

Add a layer of dry lasagne noodles, with another liberal layer of tomato sauce over that. Continue layers as desired -- dry noodles and sauce, with cheese, ricotta cheese, cooked meat or meat substitute, and cooked, chopped veggies or spinach in between the layers of noodles as desired (note: I like to use seasoned, crumbled tofu as a ricotta substitute). End with a top layer of noodles and sauce....

Cover pan as tightly as possible with foil (grease the inner side), and bake for 45 minutes at 350 degrees.

After 45 minutes, loosen foil and bake for another 20 - 30 minutes (I like to loosen the foil all around the sides, but keep it draped very lightly, tenting slightly, over the top of the pan to prevent excessive drying...)

Remove from oven and allow to rest a full 10-15 minutes before serving....

1 Responses to “'No Boil' Lasagne....”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    (P.S. One small thing though, while I still love doing it this way -- I have noticed the very top layer of noodles CAN get a little chewy sometimes. Any good solutions out there for this...? Hmmm, perhaps I just need to add more sauce on the top than I have been....)

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