Home > Lazy Lasagne

Lazy Lasagne

January 30th, 2005 at 12:53 am

Another snowy, stay-at-home-and-spend-nothing kind of day. Very relaxing. DS was gone, and DD had a friend over to play for the afternoon. I sipped hot herbal tea all day long, and baked peanut butter cookies (my fave recipe, with just FOUR ingredients -- can it get any easier than that????)....

FINALLY got around to cooking up the birthday lasagne I owed DH (using the lazy, 'no-boil, less toil' method). It's in the oven as I type. Made two big pans -- one for dinner tonight, the other to stash in the freezer. For lasagne sauce I whipped up another batch of the zest tomato sauce I made earlier in the week, adding a healthy dose of The Relish of course. There's enough remaining in the canning jar for probably one more batch of pasta sauce -- upon that, another yet pint of The Relish will bite the dust (never mind the 5 or 6 pints or so still left on my shelf).....

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