Home > Sundry Sunday

Sundry Sunday

January 24th, 2005 at 03:55 pm

Yesterday made for much running around, but as sunny as it was, it was a pleasure getting out. I did part with money at three separate stores, but it's all good....

The first was at our handy (and rather pricey) health-food store just a few blocks away. I found myself there in desperation after discovering, at the last minute, about a potluck luncheon for which I was totally unprepared. The store bakes lovely french bread daily, and almost always has day-old loaves available, marked down to .45 cents each. I bought two seeded loaves for the potluck (grabbing several extra while I was at it) to run home and garlicise. While at the h.f.s., I also grabbed a few bulk spices we were running low on (including poppy seeds --more on that later) -- as well as some sprouting seeds (to use in our sprouter for homemade sprouts). I admit I did linger for some time in the aromatherapy aisle (if I were to have a spending weakness, it would be for essential oil -- how I love it so!), but left the store with only the few (very restrained) sample drops of oil on the back of my hand (Mmmm....).

My hastily thrown-together garlic bread turned out better than I dared to hope, and the two loaves I used made a huge basket-full. I was sure I would have some left over to take home and freeze -- but every last crumb was devoured (it was such a hit I think this may become my standard putluck fare...).

Then it was off to a small second-hand bookstore we have nearby, to see if I might find something for DH's birthday (today). He loves anything soccer related, and I was lucky to score two used soccer books ....

Next was Save-a- Lot (cheap grocery store), for lasagne noodles. Lasagne is a DH favorite, and I always make it for his birthday. My vegetarian DH also has a (not-so) secret passion for junk food (which rarely gets indulged if I have anthing to do with it) -- so, in celebratory spirit, I picked up some *very special* birthday treats: 2 bags of cheapo, flavored potato chips (which he LOVES), and some breakfast pastry/turnover thingies ($1.19) complete with staggering amounts of fat and a looooong list of unpronounceable ingredients (heh, the more unpronounceable the better). I also grabbed flats of tomato sauce and tomato paste, for scratch pasta sauce (and a bag of chopped collard for our house bunny -- her favorite...)....

Came home to make dinner -- french bread pizza (using the said extra, discounted loaves bought at the h.f.s....), and to watch another library-borrowed DVD....

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