Home > Truck Luck

Truck Luck

January 20th, 2005 at 03:17 pm

I came downstairs this a.m. to find I apparently must have left the porch light on all night, after letting the dog out for the last time last evening. Tsk...

One of the first things I do every morning, is feed our voracious, (recently-aquired) giunea pig. I filled his cup high with pellets, then realized we were probably going to clean his cage later this a.m. But he loves to tip his cup over and eat off the floor-- a waste of food when we change his cage. I put some pellets back. (Note to self -- look into a hanging food dispenser for him. Might be more efficient.)

After a bit of tinkering last night post dinner, DH managed to get our stalled truck started. He thinks the problem most likely weather-related, since it was running fine and dandy until this latest cold-snap. Still, it reminded us that we haven't had the truck serviced in any way since we bought it last year (used and for a good price from friends). As our second vehicle, it gets relatively little use. We're fortunate to live a short distance from DH's job, and he simply walks to and from work every day. Consequently, we managed to get by with one vehicle for our family for the longest time. As the kids get older however, and more involved with various activities in the community, coordinating everyone where they need to can at times be very logistically complicated (like yesterday). That's when the truck comes in so handy. Still, a part of any sound frugal plan ought to include regular maintenance of vehicles -- so I will make a point in budgeting the $$ for a thorough truck tune-up in the next month or two (and let's not forget the car as well)....

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