Home > Flour Power

Flour Power

January 19th, 2005 at 03:48 pm

As is our custom on Wednesdays, I'm going to have a busy afternoon today doing kid schlep duty -- so, out comes the crockpot in a few minutes. I have a butternut squash to use up, so I will be digging out a recipe I have for a savory pumpkin stew we like, and sub the squash. I'd love to get the bread machine going again this afternoon for a fresh baked loaf to go with, but am running precariously low on flour (just ordered 50# bulk through my co-op though, to arrive next week). I'll scour my freezer for flour odds and ends (in various baggies that I've purchased in bulk here and there from stores), and with any luck I'll have just enough. I can always stretch a little further with soy flour or cornmeal if necessary. I'm sure whatever greets us when we walk in the door tonight will at least be edible, even if it's not pretty.....

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