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Hot Spot

June 25th, 2005 at 03:30 am

Wooh, is it ever steamy tonight. Hot, and muggy as all get out -- gotta love Midwestern summers. Actually, I've rather been enjoying it -- despite the sweat dripping off my temples and down my neck as I leisurely sit here doing nothing more strenuous than typing tonight. Summer. I prefer to experience *IT*, in all it's sticky, stinky, sweaty splender. My husband, on the other hand, has been dropping broad hints about turning on the central A.C., as he has precious little heat tolerance, mostly likely having to do with the air-conditioned office he works in all day. Perhaps it is hard transitioning back into a stuffy hot house. Sigh, it really is an oven in here tonight, with little relief in sight (the forecast is for continued drought -- but that's a whole 'nother story). There isn't any breeze stirring whatsoever. Still, I despise air conditioning (makes me feel claustrophobic and disconnected to the world), and hate paying for it even more. So far, it remains off. But, if he is truly suffering perhaps we can compromise in some way. We'll see. In the meantime, I'm trying to concentrate on all the $$ we are saving by not running it....

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