Home > Rain Gain

Rain Gain

April 12th, 2005 at 03:32 pm

A rainy day! I'm actually quite happy about this because it's been awhile. The water hasn't been turned on yet out at the gardens, and our stuff was at risk of drying out. So now everything is getting a good soak, including the lettuce and spinach seeds that we planted yesterday. This does mean of course however, that the weed seeds will now also be waking up as well. I know from experience that we'll have our work cut out for us in that department -- it gets INSANELY weedy out there.

Also, we discovered our cabbages and broccoli chewed upon by critters. I doubt now that we are going to get by this season without fencing of some sort, bleh.....

I 'liberated' more of our neighbor's plants (bluebells and lillies) yesterday afternoon (from what is essentially the apartments' parking lot), transplanting them to happier places in the front of my house (and the rain is doing them good as well). The bluebells are beginning to bloom -- lovely. Heh, and to think I actually BOUGHT a few bluebell plants when we first moved in here....

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